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Add Form 13 and Supplementary Abstract of Field Records (SAFR) declaration

Depending on the Subdivision Act dealing type, Advice by Licensed Surveyor (Form 13) may be required. Also included on the Form 13 is a Supplementary Abstract of Field Records (SAFR) Declaration. The Form 13 and SAFR Declaration can be optionally provided when the application is in a draft state and will become mandatory before Statement of Compliance is issued, unless it is deferred.

To complete this requirement:


  1. Select 'Add Form 13 and SAFR Declaration' from the 'Other Actions…' drop down list on the Details Tab and click 'go' or click on the mandatory action 'Add Form 13 and SAFR Declaration'.
  2. Select the relevant option(s) to complete the document:
    • If advice by Licensed Surveyor is not required, select the radio button option 'Advice by Licensed Surveyor is not required for this Application'. This is only available for certain dealing types.
    • If works are required, you can defer the Advice by Licensed Surveyor until 30 days after the completion of works. Select the radio button option 'Defer Advice by Licensed Surveyor (Form 13) for PS….'. You will also be required to select the estimated completion of works date and indicate whether a SAFR will be supplied at the completion of works.
    • If the Advice by Licensed Surveyor is to be provided immediately, select the radio button option 'This is the written advice by a licensed surveyor required by section 20A of the Subdivision Act 1988…' and tick the relevant items to complete the remainder of the form. You will also be required to indicate whether a SAFR will be supplied and select the estimated completion of works date.
  3. Once all relevant items have been completed, click on the 'add now' button to save and return to the Details screen.
  4. Depending on the option selected in step 2 above, the Form 13 and SAFR Declaration may need to be digitally signed.

Note: If deferred, SPEAR will prompt you to complete the Form 13 30 days after the completion of works date. If a SAFR is required, you will also be prompted to supply the SAFR 45 days after the completion of works date.